1958 Ben Hur, the movie
1963 Assassination of JF Kennedy
1969 Maagdenhuis
1969 Woodstock
1970 Feyenoord-Celtic, Milano
1973 The Begetting of Roger De Wispelaere
1983 Anti Cruise-Missiles Demonstration, The Hague
1985 World Championship Race Walking, Isle of Man
1989-1991 The Wall, Berlin
1993 L’Enfer du Nord
1994 Kamerplantenbeurs, Zutphen
1996 Eurotop Dublin
1997 Funeral Princess Diana
1998-2004 Oktoberfeste, München
2001 09/11
2004 Olympic Games, Athene
2005 Marché de Noel, Thonon-les-Bains
2006 Vierdaagse, Nijmegen
2008 Resignation of Fidel Castro, Havana